ACL Diaries

Village to The World – Adhyyan Craftmanship

Village to The World

Village to The World 

The essence of our theme resonates deeply with the lives of rural artists. At Adhyyan Craftsmanship, our the aim is simply to provide these women with a platform to
showcase their artwork equitably. The installation symbolizes how women, often confined to their homes and silenced, reveal their creative prowess through vibrant colours and expressive art forms.

Our society frequently overlooks the boundless scope of imagination, transcending gender, borders, and social status. These women contribute significantly across various domains, from their homes to professional arenas, yet they encounter numerous personal and professional barriers daily. Their artistic skills span weaving, knitting, crocheting, designing, and painting. Through their dedication and innate talent, their handmade crafts find admirers in different corners of the globe.

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